1.1 Reklamiranje sajtova(osim u knjizi utisaka).
1.2 Poruke koje sadrze nacionalno i religijsko vredjanje.
1.3 Vredjanje i psovanje drugih clanova.
1.4 Vredjanje u forumu.
1.5 Pravljene vise profila.
1.6 Pisati vise istih poruka na forumu.
1.7 Objavljivanje poruka koje su prethodno bile obrisane.
1.8 Pisati poruke koje nemaju veze sa temom.
1.9 Kreiranje tema koje su prethodno obrisane.
2.1 Writing in the public topics a discontent with inappropriate actions of other users and discussing about moderators working. Use private messages for this purpose.
2.2 Register the nicknames having offensive tone for other users.
3.1 Quote full messages of the previous user and quote the messages already containing other quotes.
3.2 Post messages only contains external link.
3.3 Post messages written in translite.
3.4 Posting of purposeless messages: consisting of smileys only or posts like 'Ok','What?','Who is there?', etc.
Message posted despite the above warnings will be changed or deleted.
This rule applies to all members and moderators, repeated actions will make you get ban or even lose your account.